Dental Insurance Information

We work with our patients to ensure they receive the most from their dental insurance benefits. If you have any questions about your dental health insurance or how your plan covers your dental care, or if you haven't received a clear understanding from your insurance company, we will do our best to help you understand your claim and benefits.

How Your Dental Health Insurance Works

Your dental plan is a form of compensation provided by your employer or plan sponsor. You can expect your insurance company to reimburse you for a portion of our fees. However, be aware that reimbursement portions are determined by the contract between your employer and the insurance company.

Processing Your Dental Health Insurance Claims

Although we are not a party to the contractual arrangement with your insurance company, the staff at our dental practice wants to help you receive the maximum reimbursement to which you are entitled. If necessary, we will gladly provide dental x-rays and a written diagnostic report should your insurance company have any questions about the services provided.

Important Information about Your Dental Health Insurance

Some plans require you to choose your dental care from a list of providers, which can often limit your choices, and potentially affect whether or not you’re receiving the best dental care possible.

Our dental practice is not a participating provider for any insurance company. We are considered “out of network,” therefore most dental insurance plans pay only a portion of our fees. We urge you to be fully aware of the provisions of your dental health insurance plan.

Please be advised that some, and perhaps all, of the services provided at our dental office may be non-covered services and not considered reasonable and customary under the terms of your insurance policy. Unfortunately, most dental health insurance companies arbitrarily determine these usual and customary rates, and you must be prepared to pay all fees associated with your dental care, regardless of your dental health insurance’s policies. It is important that you understand the limits and expectations of your dental health insurance plan, before you approve of treatment plans or attend visits with Dr. Winter.

Our Promise to Our Patients

You can be confident that the professionals at our office will always provide you with the highest level of service without regard to the financial limitations imposed by your insurance coverage.